Easy-To-Use Live Online and Ondemand Streaming with No Software Downloads
Our Live Online and Ondemand courses use advanced communication technology. Live Online classes are taught by our instructors through a live webcast (virtual classroom). This simple web interface requires no software downloads. Interaction with instructors is done via a chat interface during the lecture. You can attend these virtual classes from anywhere if you have access to a computer with internet. Ondemand courses use these recorded sessions to make courses available to stream at your convenience.
Minimum Internet Connection Requirements
Desktop application
- Intel Core i5 or faster processor (or equivalent)
- Windows 11, Windows 10 (64-bit, Windows 10 “N” Edition users must install the Media Feature Pack before installing the application.)
- 1 GB of free RAM (2 GB or higher recommended)
Browser client
- Intel Core i5 or faster processor (or equivalent)
- Windows 11, Windows 10
- 2 GB of free RAM (4 GB recommended)
- Google Chrome (latest), Mozilla Firefox (latest), or Edge-Chromium (latest)
Mac OS
Desktop application
- Intel Core i5 or faster processor (or equivalent)
- 512 MB of free RAM (1 GB recommended)
- Mac OS X 10.15, 11.0, and 12.0
Browser client
- Intel Core i5 or faster processor (or equivalent)
- Mac OS 10.15, 11.0, 12.0, and 13.0
- 2 GB of free RAM (4 GB recommended)
- Apple Safari (latest), Google Chrome (latest), Mozilla Firefox (latest), or Microsoft Edge - Chromium (latest)
For HTML client
- Ubuntu 18.04; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
- Google Chrome
- No application support is available for Linux. All features are enabled in an HTML browser except screen sharing.
Virtual Environment
- Citrix XenApp 7.11
- The Adobe Connect New mobile app (v3.0 or above) is required for iOS and Android
- On Android devices, the Adobe Connect Mobile 2.1 app no longer requires the Adobe AIR Runtime to be installed.
- Speakers or headphones should be connected to the computer to listen to the lecture.
- Take the following self-diagnostic test with your computer/device to ensure it is compatible to attend the online classes. https://schoolofpe.adobeconnect.com/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm
Internet Connection Requirements
- Bandwidth: 10 Mbps
- Connection: Cable/LAN
Troubleshooting Tips
If you experience technical difficulties, please first try our troubleshooting tips. If your problem is not resolved quickly, please contact us at info@schoolofpe.com or by calling 614-873-7475.
If you are not able to watch a video provided on the Vzaar platform (after opening the
recording, the video immediately says “no video available”), we suggest you whitelist
Vzaar and open port.
To whitelist, add these as trusted sites:
- http://vzaar.com
- http://view.vzaar.com
- *vzaar.com
- Make sure that port “1935” is opened for streaming. You can see more details at the following link: http://help.vzaar.com/article/156-firewall-issues
To whitelist, add these as trusted sites:
- If you can watch some or part of the Vzaar video and you’re receiving an error message, we suggest clearing both the Flash cache and the browser cache and trying again.
If it is a potential firewall issue:
- If you are attempting to view the recordings at your work location, there may be a firewall issue, and you will need to contact your IT personnel for guidance.
- Try using a different computer.
Other tips for troubleshooting
- Clear your Flash cache and browser cache (instructions are available through Google).
- Internet Explorer is the recommended browser for Windows-based computers.
- Safari is the recommended browser for Apple devices.
- Try using a different internet browser.
- Turn off pop-up blockers (some students have had to do this each viewing time).
- Try using a different computer.
- Hardwire your computer to the internet instead of using Wi-Fi to access the internet.
- Manually advance the cursor at the bottom of the screen.
- Do not click on the connection link more than once (it may take several minutes for the video to load).
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